Monday 3 October 2011

Summary Great Expectations (chapter 22- 24)

Chapter 22
Through this chapter, we discovered the true story about Ms. Havisham,when she was young she was  left on her wedding day exactly 20minutes to nine before her wedding(the time when she stopped all her clocks) and she adopted Estella to seek revenge.
Herbert and Pip become housemate.(Source: Google image)

Ms.Havisham adopted Estella.(Source: Google image)

Chapter 23
                Pip visits the unpleasant commercial world of the Royal Exchange before going to Matthew Pocket’s house to be tutored in how to become real gentleman.
Chapter 24

Pip returns to Jagger's office in order to arrange to share room with Herbert, there Pip befriends the lively Wemmick, who invites him to dinner.

Mr. Jagger (Source: Google Image)

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