Monday 3 October 2011

"Great Expectation " by Charles Dickens

Chapter 16

The detectives that come from London in order to solve the crime about the attack on Pip’s sister is still clueless and thus the case has yet to be solved, Mrs Joe however, who is now unable to talk, draws letter “T” which she was referring to a hammer , to give a clue to her family that she was attack by a convict using it.

Chapter 17

Pip walks with Biddy on Sunday and confides to her his dissatisfaction with his place in life and his desire to be a gentleman and he also confess to Biddy about his secret love towards Estella although at the same time Pip also seems to be attracted to Biddy.

Chapter 18

Pip met a lawyer name Jaggers one evening at the pub where he was explained that Pip will soon inherit a large fortune. and his education as a gentleman will begin immediately at London, however, the person who is giving him the fortune wishes to remain secret ,although, Pip suspected that the benefactor is Miss Havisham.

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