Monday 3 October 2011

Great Expectations by Charles Dickens Summary of Chapter 25 - 27

Summary: Chapter 25

Pip continues to get to know his fellow students and the Pockets, attending dinners at both Wemmick’s and Jaggers’s, in Wemmick’s house is like something out of a dream, an absurd “castle” in Walworth that he shares with his “Aged Parent" , Pip observes that Wemmick seems to have a new personality when he enters his home: while he is cynical and dry at work, at home he seems jovial and merry.

Wemmick’s “castle” in Great  Expectations movie [1998] where “the aged Parents” set

Summary: Chapter 26 


 By contrast, Jaggers’s house is oppressive and dark, shared only with a gloomy housekeeper, Molly, Pip’s fellow students attend the dinner at Jaggers’s with Pip, and Pip and Drummle quarrel over a loan Drummle ungratefully borrowed from Startop and Jaggers warns Pip to stay away from Drummle, though the lawyer claims to like the disagreeable young man himself.

 The image of Mr. Jaggers in Great Expectations movie [1946]

Summary: Chapter 27

Joe comes to visit Pip in London, because Pip worries that Joe will disapprove of his opulent lifestyle and that Drummle will look down on him because of Joe, Joe’s visit is strained and awkward, as he tries to tell Pip the news from home: Wopsle, for instance, has become an actor, but Pip acts annoyed with him until Joe mentions that Estella has returned to Satis House and that she wishes to see Pip and Pip suddenly feels more kindly toward Joe, but the blacksmith leaves before Pip can improve his behavior.

 Mr. Joe in Great Expectations movie [1946]

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