Monday 19 September 2011

19th Century

19th  Century Fashion

19th century’s fashion is famously know as Victorian fashion. Victorian fashion comprises the various fashions and trends in British cultures that emerged and grew in province throughout the Victorian era and the reign of Victoria. Covering nearly two thirds of the 19th century, the 63 year reign would see numerous changes in fashion for the men and women

    19th century fashion is unique because the fashion or the clothing can symbolise the personality or the identity of its owner. It can be said that the clothing’s represent the status of the owner has in the society during the 19th century. Women’s fashion has its own stages. n the 1840s and 1850s, women's gowns developed narrow and sloping shoulders, low and pointed waists, and bell-shaped skirts. Corsets, a knee-length chemise, and layers of flounced petticoats were worn under the gowns. In the 1860s, the skirts became flatter at the front and projected out more behind the woman. In the 1870s, uncorseted tea gowns were introduced for informal entertaining at home and steadily grew in popularity. Bustles were used to replace the crinoline to hold the skirts up behind the woman, even for "seaside dresses". In the 1880s, riding habits had a matching jacket and skirt (without a bustle), a high-collared shirt or chemisette, and a top hat with a veil. In the 1890s, women's fashion became simpler and less extravagant; both bustles and crinoline fell out of use and dresses were not as tight as before. Corsets were still used but became slightly longer, giving women a slight S-curve silhouette. Skirts took on a trumpet shape, fitting closely over the hip with a wasp-waist cut and flaring just above the knee. High necks and puffed sleeves became popular.

     Meanwhile, for the men’s fashion, During the 1840s, men wore tight-fitting, calf length frock coats and a waist coats or vest. The shirts were made of linen or cotton with low collars, occasionally turned down, and were worn with wide cravats or neck ties. Trousers had fly fronts, and breeches were used for formal functions and when horseback riding. Men wore top hats, with wide brims in sunny weather.  During the 1850s, men started wearing shirts with high upstanding or turnover collars and four-in-hand neckties tied in a bow, or tied in a knot with the pointed ends sticking out like "wings". The upper-class continued to wear top hats, and bowler hats were worn by the working class. In the 1860s, men started wearing wider neckties that were tied in a bow or looped into a loose knot and fastened with a stickpin.  The fashion during 1870 and 1880 is very much similar to the 1860. However, starting from the 1890s, the blazer was introduced, and was worn for sports, sailing, and other casual activities.  Other than clothing, the men was also famous for their various forms of facial hair including moustaches, side-burns, and full beards. A clean-shaven face did not come back into fashion until the end of the 1880s and early 1890s. 

This website has the example of the men and women's 19th century's fashion :

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