Monday 19 September 2011

19th Century Economy and Politics.

During the early 19Th century, politics and economy were falling apart. There was a great depression in industries, farming and stock market. People start losing jobs and become the victims of this economy revolution. There are few major  events and riot during the 19Th century. Most workers started to realize that they had been used and exploited by the industry.
Figure 1: Graphic that shows the economy revolution during 1830’s

Figure 2: Comic strips showing the workers fighting for their rights.(source: google image)

Figure 3: Workers working long hours but paid insufficiently. (source: google image)

In the 19Th century also there are few war broke down and the French empire being defeated  by superior powers such as British Empire, German Empire and the United States. The politics all around the world had changed in the 19Th century. They started to implement new politics ideology such as Zionism. During the 19Th century  also, slavery was greatly reduced all around the world.

Figure  4: Parliament during the 19Th century.

Figure 5: The end of slavery in the 19Th century.(Source: google image)

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